. Mardi Robyn: Throwback Posts: This Is Who I Want To Be Mardi Robyn: Throwback Posts: This Is Who I Want To Be

Friday, June 14, 2013

Throwback Posts: This Is Who I Want To Be

My good friend Kimmy reminded me of a quote last night. One that speaks to me every time I read it, but often I do not let it sink in and start living it.

“A woman’s heart should be so lost in God, that a man would have to seek Him to find her.”

I do not know who originally said this, whoever it was, has the right idea.

I want my heart to be so lost in God, that whomever He created for me to marry, must seek God with all his heart in order to find mine. Just the thought paints a beautiful picture in my mind of how love and marriage is suppose to be. Centered around God our Father, to where everything we do, we do for the glory of God. To honor and serve Him, unconditionally, because He loves us unconditionally. He gave His one and only Son Jesus Christ to die in our place, to pay the price for our sins. A price to high for us to pay. So God sent Jesus, who willingly gave His life for us. He gave His life for us, willingly laid it down for our sakes, He also arose on the third day, representing our life in Him. Dying to our sinful nature, we live in Christ our Lord.

For far to long I have focused more on the Prince Charming God has in store, when I do not even see him face to face. Instead of focusing on Christ my Lord. The greatest Prince. The Prince of peace, soon returning to be crowned King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus! The best Groom a girl could ask for. Yes, I anticipate the day my Daddy walks me down the isle, and gives me to the man God created for me, but in the meantime, I want my heart to be so rooted in Christ, because until I have lost my sinful flesh and pride, and lay it all down at Christ’s feet, and find myself in Him, only than can God bring Mr. Right into my life forever. How can I know who I am, and who I will be in marriage, if I do not know who I am in Christ. I will never know who God created me to be, if I first do not know my Creator. Yes I am a Christian, with a ticket out of hell, but that doesn’t satisfy me. Yes, I have a relationship with Christ, but not as intimate as it should be. Yes, I talk with Jesus daily, but not nearly as I should. So see, only until I embrace all of Christ, becoming who I should be in Christ, only than can I know the joys of God’s Prince Charming, He created just for me.

I want to be so captivated by God, so completely enthralled in His presence that my Mr. Right, will have to be the same, to be able to know my heart, to be able to know who I am in Christ. I want to be so close to God, that I don’t miss His voice. His will, His plan for my life.

For far to long I’ve focused on the prize to be, instead of the prize that is a part of the journey. I have written or typed I am not sure how many writings that are along the lines of surrendering all to Christ, focusing on Jesus, and not on the man God made for me to marry. Yet, not long after those thoughts are written or typed, they are quickly set aside. Words look great on paper, intentions are good, but without adding the footwork to those words, they are just words, meaning nothing, because the mission described within the text has yet to be accomplished. Just like this blog, once I publish it, I am faced with a choice, one year from now, six months, three months, one month, two weeks, one hour from now will this be just a blog of well intention, portraying emotions in my heart and mind at present, yet never set out to make it real. Or, will I finally choose to surrender all and really, truly, honestly seek after God, not worrying who my Mr. Right is, but faithfully pursuing God trusting and knowing that in His timing He will send Mr. Right, when He sees fit. My Mr. Right isn’t lost. God knows right where he is at, therefore I need not try and find him by trying to figure out if every guy I see could be the one. As I like to say, God had sense enough to create my Mr. Right, He has sense enough to bring us together. After all, God is God and I am not.

I pray I seek after Christ, knowing the greater reward lies in Him.

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