. Mardi Robyn: Throwback Posts: What Salvation Means to Me Mardi Robyn: Throwback Posts: What Salvation Means to Me

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Throwback Posts: What Salvation Means to Me

Salvation! Wow! When I think of what God has done for me, sending His only Son, the perfect, spotless Lamb of God to die for my sins, my sickness, my emotional breakdowns, my nerves, my problems. Anything and everything that plagues me. I am left without adequate words to describe how marvelous a gift God has given me.

Day after day I fall short of God’s salvation, His free gift to all man-kind. But isn’t that the beauty of Salvation, no man, no woman deserves such a gift. God’s Word says, salvation is not of works, lest any man should boast. We don’t deserve it, we cannot earn it, thus the reason Jesus freely gave His life for mine.

Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Anyone!

When I think of salvation, and what it means to me. I am filled with an overwhelming, yet peaceful feeling God loves me. In Christ I am whole, and nothing will ever separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus my Lord! No man can take that gift away from me. It was given to me by my Father God.

Day after day I find God’s presence sweeter than imaginable. Do hard times arise? Oh yes! But God’s grace still abides. I am thankful that Christ did not leave us after our salvation, but stays with us, every day, even during trivial things that shouldn’t really matter, but to us we make a mountain out of.

When I think of salvation, and what it means to me, I am filled with an almost indescribable feeling, almost because, only one word comes to mind to describe such an act, such kindness, such devotion, such a gift given to us by God, the word that comes to mind, is love. Jesus Christ displayed the greatest act of love.

God’s Word says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Jesus did that for me, for you.

When I think of Jesus love, I am reminded there are millions who do not know Jesus. It is my job to be a witness of the most high God and share the love of Jesus with all I meet, so they too can know the joy of Christ’s salvation I am experiencing everyday.

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