. Mardi Robyn: Throwback Posts: Bible Stories Mardi Robyn: Throwback Posts: Bible Stories

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Throwback Posts: Bible Stories

Bible stories aren’t just for children! As a child my parents would read me stories, always telling me Bible stories, which we’re my favorite! One of my favorites was the story of Daniel In the Lions Den. It still is one of my favorites.

I remember as a little girl admiring the courage and strength Daniel displayed in refusing to obey the king and holding fast to obeying His God the One True King!! What courage he had! The verse “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 can really apply to his life.

Then there is Moses who lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the wilderness where they wandered for forty years. I use to think they were silly for not obeying and trusting God. I also use to think it would have been neat to see manna falling from heaven. I can’t forget Elijah, that was one of my favorites as well. I use to imagine what it would have been like being brought your food by birds.

 And Noah building the ark and bringing all the animals into it. I use to imagine him rounding up the animals. I would pretend I was on the ark with the animals playing with them. I even imagined I was in the garden of Eden. I always wished Eve hadn’t of listened to the serpent. I remember picturing what it would have been like being on a ship tossed back and forth during a bad storm. How the passengers and crew must have felt, how Jonah felt being thrown overboard and than swallowed by a big fish. I use to imagine being inside the fishes belly, and after three days being spewed onto dry land. I even imagined him running to Nineveh to fulfill God’s call on his life.

I pretended I was Miriam watching her baby brother Moses float down the Nile in a basket. I imagined her surprise when the Pharaoh’s daughter rescued him, and how she must have ran to her Mama to tell her the news that Pharaoh’s daughter needed someone to take care of the child she had rescued. I imagined Moses Mother’s delight to take care of her child and how God worked it out really great! I pretended to be Esther Queen of Persia. I pretended to be Ruth standing beside Naomi, moving to another place and working in Boaz fields, following her mother-in-laws instructions and eventually marrying Boaz.

 I imagined being present when Samson killed the lion. I imagined what it would be like to have eaten to honey out of the carcass (gross sounding but it really is in the Bible!!) I imagined being present when he killed the Philistines with a jawbone of a donkey. I remember thinking he shouldn’t have listened to Delilah that she didn’t love him, she was trying to trick him. I imagined being present to witness him pulling down the pillars on himself and all the people present. I imagined David and Jonathan’s friendship and how rude Saul was to want to take David’s life.

I remember thinking he had no right to be jealous. I remember rejoicing when David killed the giant after all the Giants big talk. I imagined Stephen being stoned, every time I heard the story I wanted to cry. He wasn’t guilty of anything other than standing up for the cause of Christ, yet they stoned him to death. When I was younger my hair was really long, I would imagine I was Mary washing Jesus feet with my hair. Or Mary and Martha when Jesus would visit them, even though my name is Martha, I imagined being Mary sitting at Jesus feet. I imagined being Martha running to Jesus to tell him he was late my brother Lazarus was dead. I imagined being present when Jesus called him from the grave. I even tried to imagine being Lazarus.

Another favorite Bible story of mine was Zacchaeus climbing the sycamore tree to see Jesus. I imagined Jesus telling me to come down he was coming to my house to eat. I imagined being present when Jesus asked His disciples to pray with Him in the garden of Gethsemane. I remember thinking the disciples were mean not staying awake to pray. I remember thinking if I had of been there I would have prayed with Jesus. I imagined being present when Judas betray Jesus with a kiss, seeing Peter cut off a soldiers ear. I remember imagining the cock crow and Peter denying Jesus.

 I remember imagining watching as Jesus was questioned, whipped and beaten, nailed to a wooden cross suffering in pain an agony. Bible stories have always played a part in my life. I loved hearing them growing up. I loved reading them in Children’s Bible story books, imagining I was right there. It didn’t take much for me to feel like I was apart of the story, to this day, at the age of twenty-one it still does not take much for me to imagine being present in Biblical times. As a child I didn’t relate as much to the stories as I do now. I didn’t understand them to the extent I do today, and that isn’t a lot because every time I read them, or think about them I learn something new. I can relate to Eve being tempted and giving into sin. Jonah running away from the calling of God. Daniel standing up for what he believed in and not backing down. Jeremiah feeling frustrated and upset, weeping for his country and feeling inadequate to speak because he was so young. David wanting to draw closer to God. Esther standing up for her people, her country, her faith in God, doing what she knew was right even if it cost her. Ruth moving to a new place. I can relate to Peter, and doubting Thomas.

See Bible stories aren’t just stories to tell Children, or let them read at bedtime. Bible stories are real, they happened and they still contain principles and promises that apply to us today. There are many stories in the Bible that we can benefit from, but the greatest story I have read in God’s Word is the story of a baby conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, grew to be a man, performed many miracles, taught thousands the good news, died on a cross for our sins, and rose again. His name is Jesus Christ.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” All the stories in the Bible will mean nothing to you until you grasp the story of Jesus Christ. His love for you, so much love that He willingly laid down His life for YOU, so that you might have life eternal through Him. He rose again representing the new life we have in Him. He loves you with a love that has no end. I know not who reads this blog. I know not your background, where you come from, what you do, what circumstances and situations are going on in your life. I don't know your spiritual state. I do know one thing. Jesus loves you and if you do not know Him, He is waiting with open arms for you to run to Him. The road won’t be easy, but with Christ you will always have Him by your side to help you get through life’s trials and carry on by His strength, which is a whole lot better than walking alone without Christ in your life. Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you, but stick closer than a brother or your closest friend.

The stories in the Bible aren’t just for Children, they are for adults as well and need to be read over and over, remembering to apply the concepts to our lives, but most of all we need to grasp the fact we have a Savior and with Him we can face any circumstance we face, that way we can have our own story of Christ’s saving grace in our lives and the promise that we will never walk alone that with Him, He will never leave us nor forsake us. I want my life to be a story one can read and see God’s hand in my life. What about you? What will your story read, a lifeless tail with no real meaning, a life of destruction, depression, rebellion, hatred and tears; a life without Christ? Or will your life story read a life submitting to Christ, sold out for the cause of Christ, your life surrendered to His glory, fulfilling His calling on your life, bearing the cross of Christ. Rejoicing amidst the hardships because Christ is your strength, bravely storming the weather with Christ at the wheel? Living life to the fullest can only be lived with Jesus Christ, without Christ there is no real life in your life at all.

Let your life be a story with Jesus Christ in it for everyone to read and be inspired of God’s goodness, like we are inspired when we read stories in God’s Word, and stories of others living today who are sold out for the cause of Christ.

Remember to live is Christ and to die is gain. We have to decrease so Christ can increase in our lives.

For God so loved the world, He sent His only Son to die for You. What does your story read?

God Loves You

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