. Mardi Robyn: Be Who God Created You To Be Mardi Robyn: Be Who God Created You To Be

Monday, May 6, 2019

Be Who God Created You To Be

A friend reminded me this weekend of one of my favorite verses in the Bible,

   "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Your works; and my soul knows them right well." Psalm 139:14

Never change yourself to fit into the mold someone else thinks you should fit in. Trying to be someone you are not is like trying to fit two puzzle pieces together that do not match.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, created in His image. You are unique. You are special. You are loved. The Creator of this universe gave you your own custom design. That is amazing to think about.

You might be reading this thinking "here we go another pep talk, I have heard this before."  Maybe, but it isn't a pep talk, it is the truth.

I am not blogging about a lesson I have not learned. I had to learn this. I have had people criticize how I dress, (I don’t mean I dress immodest either) how I do my hair, how I run my businesses, the fact I have more than one piercing in each ear, you get the idea.  

I am learning when people are unhappy with themselves they try to change other people around them so that they do not have to focus on changing themselves.  It is sad, but it is true.

Listen, I do not care how special a person is to you, do not change for them. I want to point out an area where changing is okay, if someone points out a flaw that you need to work on, that will better yourself and they bring it to your attention out of love, do not ignore them. Take what they say into consideration and if you decide to change that area of your life, change for God and yourself, and the people you love.  For example if someone says you need to stop being negative about yourself, or you need to stop doing something that will hurt you, then stop.  There are many examples I could give, but those are just two.  The type of changing to please people that is not okay is the type of change that causes you to try and be someone else.  If your favorite color is blue and someone says you should not wear blue but you should wear green and you dislike the color green but stop wearing blue because their favorite color is green, that is not being true to you.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.  Strive to please Him and the rest will fall into place.

There will always be people who do not like you. That is fine, they do not have to like you. You and I will always come into contact with people who we do not like, that is fine. God did not say we had to like everyone, He did say we had to love them.

I like wearing shades of blue nail polish, some people do  not like that, oh well! Do not surpress your individuality to be approved of by someone whose only wish is to make you like they want you without caring about what makes you, you!

This is a lesson I am learning. I thought I had learned it, but I am learning that I had not learned the lesson as well as I thought I had learned. Yes that is a lot of learning in one sentence!

I hope my blog post encourages you and helps you. I may blog about this topic again in greater detail. Trying to conform to the image of someone else will make you miserable.

Be who God created you to be!


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