1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Closed. I don't like my closets door to be open unless I am getting dressed, or trying to find something in one of my closets.
2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Sometimes, if they are good.
3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? This is a tricky question to answer. Rarely do I sleep covered up with my sheets, if I do they are untucked because I like tucking them under my feet. Usually I pull the colors down and curl up with my favorite fleece throw and my crochet afghan that my Mama made me. It's comfy!
4:Have you ever stolen a street sign before? Nope, but I have taken pictures of street signs.
5:Do you like to use post-it notes? I do like them! I can use ALOT when I have them.
6:Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I have in the past. I admire people who can save a lot of money using coupons (except the troublesome coupon people.) However I have not developed the patience to figure out how, and the times my Mama has handed me a coupon, or I have cut them out I forget all about them. Except for Hobby Lobby. I have the Hobby Lobby app downloaded on my iPhone so its handy to use when I am in the store, all I have to do is pull up the app and show the cashier!
7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Neither please!
8:Do you have freckles? I have a freckle on my right shoulder.
9:Do you always smile for pictures? Not always. Sometimes I like acting goofy.
10:What is your biggest pet peeve? Believe it or not I have many pet peeves. I am not sure which one I consider to be the biggest. 1. When someone leaves an empty toilet paper roll on the holder and sits a fresh one on the back of the toilet. 2. Having to repeat myself over and over. (I need to work on that) 3. Hearing people use God's name in vain. Seriously He gave you the breath you are using to cuss His name. Have some respect He created you. 3. When people are disrespectful. 4. When you text someone and they reply with "K." I'm not sure why that annoys me but it does. Just to name a few. I cannot think of anymore at the moment.
11:Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Sometimes if I am in a curious mood.
7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Neither please!
8:Do you have freckles? I have a freckle on my right shoulder.
9:Do you always smile for pictures? Not always. Sometimes I like acting goofy.
10:What is your biggest pet peeve? Believe it or not I have many pet peeves. I am not sure which one I consider to be the biggest. 1. When someone leaves an empty toilet paper roll on the holder and sits a fresh one on the back of the toilet. 2. Having to repeat myself over and over. (I need to work on that) 3. Hearing people use God's name in vain. Seriously He gave you the breath you are using to cuss His name. Have some respect He created you. 3. When people are disrespectful. 4. When you text someone and they reply with "K." I'm not sure why that annoys me but it does. Just to name a few. I cannot think of anymore at the moment.
11:Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Sometimes if I am in a curious mood.
12:Have you ever peed in the woods? Yep, sure have. I am country girl after all. However that is another one of my pet peeves. I prefer not to if at all possible.
13:What about pooped in the woods? Of course and used tree leaves for toilet paper. JUST KIDDING!! That would be a negative, never done that before and I hope I never have to.
14:Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? Yes. I always have a song playing in my head.
15:Do you chew your pens and pencils? Nope.
6:How many people have you slept with this week? Zero. No one.
17:What size is your bed? Full size.
18:What is your Song of the week? Hmm this is a hard one.
13:What about pooped in the woods? Of course and used tree leaves for toilet paper. JUST KIDDING!! That would be a negative, never done that before and I hope I never have to.
14:Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? Yes. I always have a song playing in my head.
15:Do you chew your pens and pencils? Nope.
6:How many people have you slept with this week? Zero. No one.
17:What size is your bed? Full size.
18:What is your Song of the week? Hmm this is a hard one.
2. "I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In." ~Taylor Swift
3. "Red." ~Taylor Swift
4. "White Liar." Miranda Lambert
19:Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yes! I think a man is attractive when he has the confidence in his masculinity to wear pink.
20:Do you still watch cartoons? Not often.
21:Whats your least favorite movie? There are many I do not like. I cannot think of any titles though.
22:Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? I shall not tell because if I ever had hidden treasure you would know where it was hid!
23:What do you drink with dinner? Dr. Pepper or water.
24:What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Sweet n Sour suace or BBQ.
25:What is your favorite food? Chocolate, steak, salad, chocolate chip cookies, etc..
26:What movies could you watch over and over and still love? There are many!
"Facing the Giants," "Anne of Green Gables." "Lady and the Tramp," "Annie Clause is Coming to Town." "Eloise at Christmastime." "Remember the Titans." "That Hagen Girl" with Ronald Reagan and Shirley Temple. Movies with Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. Any Crabb Family dvd.
27:Last person you kissed/kissed you? Mama kissed me goodnight, and the last person I kisssed was this imaginery hunk in my head.. just kidding. Does my horse count?
28:Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Nope.29:Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? No never.
30:When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? A few weeks ago.
31:Can you change the oil on a car? I could if I knew how.
32:Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Nope.
33:Ever ran out of gas? Nope.
34:Favorite kind of sandwich? Turkey, ham, roast beef, and a couple from McAllisters but I forgot the name of them.
35:Best thing to eat for breakfast? I am not big on eating breakfast.
36:What is your usual bedtime? Whenever this insomnia decides to let me sleep.
38:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? I didn't. I went to Church festivals and dressed up as Mary from the Bible, Martha from the Bible, an Indian, a clown, and raggedy ann.
39:What is your Chinese astrological sign? I don't know.
40: How many languages can you speak? English, Southern, Sarcasm and texting.
41:Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope. I keep getting two but I did not subscribe to them and I contacted them but they keep sending them.
42:Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Legos.
43:Are you stubborn? Does a horse say nay? I am very stubborn.
44:Who is better...Leno or Letterman? I do not watch either of them.
45:Ever watch soap operas? Nope.
46:Are you afraid of heights? Yes.
47:Do you sing in the car? Yes I do.
48:Do you sing in the shower? Yep! The acoustics in the shower is awesome.
49:Do you dance in the car? Yep!
50:Ever used a gun? Sure. Game gun for the foxhunt game on the Super Ninetindo, a BB Gun. lol
52:Do you think musicals are cheesy? Nope! I like musicals. I would love to be in one.
53:Is Christmas stressful? Only if you let it be.
54:Ever eat a pierogi? I do not know what that is.
55:Favorite type of fruit pie? Cherry!!
56:Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Singer, Missionary, Actress, Photographer, Nurse, Vet, etc..
57:Do you believe in ghosts? I believe in the Holy Ghost.
58:Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yes.
59:Take a vitamin daily? Not in a while. I keep forgetting.
60:Wear slippers? Sometimes.
61:Wear a bath robe? No I just put on clothes.
62:What do you wear to bed? Pajamas.
63:First concert? A southern gospel concert.
64:Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? I like all three.
65:Nike or Adidas? Sketchers! Ok, ok, Nike.
66:Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheeto Puffs.
67:Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Boiled Peanuts and Sunflower seeds.
68:Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? Nope.
69:Ever take dance lessons? Nope, but I would like to.
70:Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Yes! :)
71:Can you curl your tongue? Yes I can.
72:Ever won a spelling bee? Yep.
73:Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes.
74:Own any record albums? Actually, yes I do.
75:Own a record player? Nope, but my Daddy owns one.
76:Regularly burn incense? Never.
77:Ever been in love? I thought so.
78:Who would you like to see in concert? Any of the Crabb Family again.
79:What was the last concert you saw? Chris Tomlin.
80:Hot tea or cold tea? I prefer cold tea, but hot tea is good.
81:Tea or coffee? Coffee fixed up with sugar, cream, mocha, caramel etc..
82:Sugar or snickerdoodles? Chocolate chip! Sugar cookies.
83:Can you swim well? Define well...
84:Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? I sure can.
85:Are you patient? It depends on what it is that I need to be patient about.
86:DJ or band, at a wedding? Band.
87:Ever won a contest? I have.
88:Ever have plastic surgery? I will never reveal my beauty secrets. Just kidding, I have never had plastic surgery.
89:Which are better black or green olives? I like both.
90:Can you knit or crochet? Neither. I would like to learn how to crochet. My Mama is going to teach me!
91:Best room for a fireplace? If I ever build a house I would like a fireplace in the master bedroom, the den/living room area, and one in the library/office.
92:Do you want to get married? Yes I do.
93:If married, how long have you been married? I am not married.
94:Who was your HS crush? My highschool crush was a guy from a boy band known as "Plus One." I did not know the guy, never seen him in person, but I had a crush on him.
95:Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? No.
96:Do you have kids? Nope I don't, not unless my horses and dogs count.
97:Do you want kids? Yes I do want them after I get married.
98:Whats your favorite color? Blue!
99:Do you miss anyone right now? Yes.
100: Have you ever been stung by a bee? I do not remember if I was stung by a bee or if it was a wasp.
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